Tread Lightly on this Earth 2023 – Footsteps Annual Conference
National Inter Faith Week Nov 2023
Birmingham Programme
Interfaith Week Event
1.Name of event: Tread Lightly on this Earth 2023 – Footsteps Annual Conference
Date 21/11/2023 Start time 6.30 refreshments for 7.00 start Finish time 9.00 pm
- Zoom or in person In person
- If in person –
- a) Location of event, including postcode
Al-Mahdi Institute, 60 Weoley Park Rd, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6RB
b)Accessibility, including parking, wheelchair access, disabled toilet, loop system, etc.
Car parking available and conference is on ground floor.
- Description of event
Footsteps’ annual interfaith conference which this year will be sharing how faiths and their teachings provide hope, inspiration, and motivation to act in the light of the climate and biodiversity crisis we are facing. We will also explore how Footsteps is incorporating faith teachings into our activities, and give examples of practical action.
- Organisation holding the event
BCF Footsteps – Faiths for a Low Carbon Future
- Booking arrangements
Register (to help with numbers for refreshments etc)
Footsteps website at
- Contact name, phone, e-mail and website (if any)
Chris Martin 0121 475 2088, footstepsbcf@gmail.com, https://footstepsbcf.org.uk/ then go to Events
- Any other information
Speakers include Sonia Bhamra, Birmingham photographic artist, speaking about Sikh and Hindu wisdom on the ‘illusion of separation’ from nature, Dr Zoheir Ali Esmail, Al-Mahdi Institute and Rev John Nightingale.
To be included in our Birmingham Interfaith Week programme, please email to pjrookes@gmail.com/bilqeeskhawaja@hotmail.com by Fri 27th Oct, or phone 077033 36088/07557513535 for any queries