My Heart is in the East Storytelling and Poetry Workshop
Title of Event – My Heart is in the East Storytelling and Poetry Workshop
Location – ZOOM
Meeting ID: 878 0929 2679
Passcode: 249482
Description – My Heart is in the East Storytelling & Poetry Workshop is a fun and vibrant 90 minutes of engagement with a creative community, focusing on the freedom and power of language.
Using interfaith issues in the MHiitE play (which is set in the Arab/Jewish/Christian world of 10th Century Cordoba) as a jumping off place, participants will receive inspiration, tools, writing time.
There will be short performed poetic segments from the play, then we will quickly build a supportive, non-competitive working environment. Into this safe non-judgmental circle the facilitator of the workshop Jessica Litwak ( who is also the author of MHiitE) will offer a series of timed writing prompts. The prompts will allow workshop participants to explore Arabic and Jewish forms of poetry while telling personal stories about faith, communication, relationships across difference, and cultural exchange. People will be encouraged to write in any language they want or in many.
In the last segment of the workshop participants will be invited to share what they’ve written (sharing is 100% optional) then we will have a closing process and talk about next steps for the MHiitE project.
Organisation holding the event – My Heart is in The East – in partnership with The H.E.A.T Collective, The Fence and Az Theatre.The H.E.A.T. Collective is one of the partners of the projects. It’s a collective founded by Jessica, the playwright. Their goal is to produce workshops, events, and productions that bring together the practices of Healing, Education, and Activism through Theatre. This is their website: http://www.theheatcollective.org/people. Obviously they are collaborators as it’s run by Jessica herself.
Contact – Anna Oggero, info@mhiite.com, www.mhiite.com