The Role of People of Faith in Healing the Divisions of the World
Tues 17th – 7.0pm – 8.30, The Role of People of Faith in Healing the Divisions of the World
Universal Peace Federation, Women’s Federation for World Peace
Our world has become more and more interdependent, yet divisions and divisiveness still persist. How can people of faith contribute to the healing of those divisions, and encourage all to work towards our mutual prosperity? We will hear various faith perspectives, followed by time for sharing and discussion.
No registration required. Please send your contact details to Patricia Earle, and say whether you would like the Zoom Link sent to you by e-mail or on WhatsApp. Contact – Patricia Earle 07540-998-724 patricia.earle@virginmedia.com Website : www.upf.org
The Zoom Link will be sent out to you, with a reminder, on Mon Nov 16th.