Launch event of Birmingham Programme on Thurs 11th Nov at
Education Building opposite Birmingham and Midland Institute, Margaret Street, B3 3BS.
Because of Covid restrictions, places must be booked in advance,
2.15 Arrival & Refreshments
2.30 Welcome and Housekeeping – Shenaz Sajan, Chair, Birmingham Council of Faiths
2.35 Official Opening of the Birmingham Programme for National Interfaith Week – Lord Mayor’s Deputy (TBC)
2.38 Outline of IFW’s Significance & outline of Birmingham Programme – Dr Peter Rookes, Secretary and 3rd Sector Liaison Officer, Birmingham Council of Faiths
2.48 Women’s Federation for World Peace – Patricia Earle, and a song from Tom Pritty
3.02 Birmingham Faith Map – Guy Hordern and Chris Martin
3.15 My Heart is in the East – Participative Drama
3.30 City Council & Interfaith – Councillor John Cotton, Cabinet Member for Diversity, Safety and Equality
3.35 In Her Shoes – Ann Jones and Colleagues
3.50 Faith Leaders and Interfaith – Amrick Singh Ubhi, Vice Chair, Birmingham Faith Leaders Group
3.55 Candle lighting, Faith flags and Reflection – Andrew Nicholls, Vice Chair, Birmingham Council of Faiths
4.00 Close