Interfaith Week 2020 Opening Ceremony/Launch Event
Fri 6th, 2.30 – 4.0pm – Opening Ceremony/Launch Event
with Cllr Mohammed Azim, Lord Mayor and Honorary President Birmingham Council of Faiths; David Bradnock, Deputy Lord Lieutenant and President of Birmingham Scouts; Cllr John Cotton, Cabinet Member, Equality, Diversity and Safety; Kim Leadbeater (Jo Cox Sister), Ambassador Jo Cox Foundation; Andy Street, WM Metro Mayor.
Event will include Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery Life during the Pandemic Video; Launch of Birmingham Scouts and Guides More in Common Badge; Faith and Belief Forum.
Join us on: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81120088679?pwd=K09GNFJINkhDT0M3WFZuMjZZWEVkZz09
Meeting ID: 811 2008 8679 Passcode: 157783