Interfaith Week Launch 2019

Wednesday 6th November, 2.0-4.30 pm

Title of Event – National Interfaith Week, Birmingham Launch

Location – Committee Rooms 3 and 4, Birmingham City Council House, Victoria Square

Accessibility – First floor, steps or lift

Description – This is the start of the Birmingham programme and will be launched by the Lord Mayor, Councillor Mohmmed Azim, Honorary President, Birmingham Council of Faiths. Presentations, cultural events and networking. The full list of events will be available.

Organisation holding the event – Birmingham Council of Faiths in partnership with Birmingham City Council

Free Entry by invitation

Contact – Dr Peter Rookes, Secretary and 3rd Sector Liaison Officer, Birmingham Council of Faiths. Register on Eventbrite or, text 077033 36088

Inter Faith Week 2019 will take place between Sunday 10 and Sunday 17 November.

Inter Faith Week’s aims are to:

  • Strengthen good inter faith relations at all levels
  • Increase awareness of the different and distinct faith communities in the UK, in particular celebrating and building on the contribution which their members make to their neighbourhoods and to wider society
  • Increase understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs

More details here:

Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of the Báb

Location –  Faiths Gallery, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery, Chamberlain Square, B3 3DH

Accessibility – Full access, including wheelchair; city centre parking.

Description – The celebration includes a programme of live musical performances, storytelling, children’s art activities, and a showing of the film Dawn of the Light at 3pm

Organisation holding the event – The Bahá’ís of Birmingham, in conjunction with the Community Engagement Team at Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery

Free Entry

Contact – Mrs Sylvia Girling – 0121 251 6875,, Mrs Jean Rahmanian –

About this Event

Who was The Báb?

The Báb – Herald of the Bahá’í Faith

In the middle of the 19th century—one of the most turbulent periods in the world’s history—a young merchant announced that He was the bearer of a message destined to transform the life of humanity. At a time when His country, Iran, was undergoing widespread moral breakdown, His message aroused excitement and hope among all classes, rapidly attracting thousands of followers. He took the name “The Báb”, meaning “the Gate” in Arabic.

With His call for spiritual and moral reformation, and His attention to improving the position of women and the lot of the poor, the Báb’s prescription for spiritual renewal was revolutionary. At the same time, He founded a distinct, independent religion of His own, inspiring His followers to transform their lives and carry out great acts of heroism.

The Báb announced that humanity stood at the threshold of a new era. His mission, which was to last only six years, was to prepare the way for the coming of a Manifestation of God Who would usher in the age of peace and justice promised in all the world’s religions: Bahá’u’lláh.

“His life is one of the most magnificent examples of courage which it has been the privilege of mankind to behold…”

— Tribute to the Báb by the 19th century French writer A.L.M. Nicolas

Multifaith Diwali, Bandi Chhor and Guru Nanak Celebration

Tuesday 5th November, 12.30 – 2.0pm

Title of Event – Multifaith Diwali, Bandi Chhor and Guru Nanak Celebration

Location – Faith& Community Centre (1st floor), QE Hospital, Mindelsohn Way, B15 2TH

Accessibility – Full access, including wheelchair; Hospital parking.

Description – Joint celebration of Diwali, Bandi Chhor and Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s birthday, Light Refreshments

Organisation holding the event – Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Contact  – 0121 371 4574,

In India, Diwali is undoubtedly the festival with lots of excitement, happiness, positivity and celebration of good over bad. It is a 5 day long festival in which friends, family and loved ones gather together for a cheerful celebration where they decorate their home and illuminate home to eradicate darkness from everywhere as Diwali is celebrated on ‘Amavasya’ which is no moon day. It heralds the dawn of a New Year as per the Indian Hindu calendar.


Seminar – First 1000 Days (of life)

BCF: Faiths Promoting Health and Wellbeing supported by QE Hospital Chaplaincy

Seminar: The First 1000 Days (of Life)

(Free of charge)

Date: Thurs 7th Nov 11.00am -4.00pm

Address: QE Hospital Education Centre,

Event Itinerary / Presentations include:-
10.45 Registration, Tea and Coffee
11.15 Welcome – Rev’d Canon Richard Wharton, Chaplaincy Coordinator, University Hospitals NHS Trust
11.20 Introduction – Dr Peter Rookes, Coordinator BCF: Faiths Promoting Health and Wellbeing, Secretary Birmingham Council of Faiths
11.35 Public Health Setting the Scene – Ricky Bhandal, Public Health Specialist
12.15 The Essential Role of the Midwife during the antenatal, delivery and postnatal periods – Jo Hindley, Midwife

12.55 Lunch (Bring your own or purchase from the outlets in the hospital foyer)

1.40 The Health Visitors Crucial Contribution during the antenatal and postnatal periods – Marcia Perry, Director of Nursing and Therapies
2.10 Paediatric Assessments – Paediatrician (to be confirmed)
2.40 Supporting Staff and Parents Pastorally and Spiritually – Rehannah Sadiq, Chaplain, QE and Womens’ Hospitals
3.20 Essential Parenting – Kathleen Roche-Nagi, Managing Director, Approachable Parenting
3.50 Summary and Closing Comments – Maureen Foxall, Chaplain, QE Hospital
4.00 Close

*Online Certificates of Attendance will be issued on –request for Continued Professional Development (CPD).
*Admission is free, but please bring your own packed lunch.

Book your place on Eventbrite or with Dr Peter Rookes at , text 077033 36088


About this event:

Have we become afraid to express our religious beliefs? Do we feel silenced from fear of perception? Are we losing our rights and values in an increasingly secular society? How can we work peacefully, with all denominations, to uphold religious rights and freedoms?

Join MEND for an interfaith, lively discussion on challenging ‘Religiophobia’ through awareness and solutions.

Hear our highly esteemed speakers and join the Q&A session with;

Dr Peter Rookes, Researcher & Advisor Faith based Healthcare, Secretary and 3rd Sector Liaison Officer for Birmingham Council of Faiths, Independent Community facilitator for CPS Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel and Member of Hope not Hate

Dr Stef Keris – Muslim Chaplain, Polyglot, Lecturer, Author of ‘The Hidden Islamic Heritage of our World’

Pauline Gallagher – Founder of Catholic Family Voice

Please note: registration is compulsory. For further information please contact:

Register here:

Interfaith Week 2021 Launch Event

Launch event of Birmingham Programme on Thurs 11th Nov at

Education Building opposite Birmingham and Midland Institute, Margaret Street,  B3 3BS.


Because of Covid restrictions, places must be booked in advance,


2.15 Arrival & Refreshments

2.30 Welcome and Housekeeping – Shenaz Sajan, Chair, Birmingham Council of Faiths

2.35 Official Opening of the Birmingham Programme for National Interfaith Week – Lord Mayor’s Deputy (TBC) 

2.38 Outline of IFW’s Significance & outline of Birmingham Programme – Dr Peter Rookes, Secretary and 3rd Sector Liaison Officer, Birmingham Council of Faiths

2.48 Women’s Federation for World Peace – Patricia Earle, and a song from Tom Pritty

3.02 Birmingham Faith Map – Guy Hordern and Chris Martin

3.15 My Heart is in the East – Participative Drama

3.30 City Council & Interfaith – Councillor John Cotton, Cabinet Member for Diversity, Safety and Equality

3.35 In Her Shoes – Ann Jones and Colleagues

3.50 Faith Leaders and Interfaith – Amrick Singh Ubhi, Vice Chair, Birmingham Faith Leaders Group

3.55 Candle lighting, Faith flags and Reflection – Andrew Nicholls, Vice Chair, Birmingham Council of Faiths

4.00 Close